Resolution 37/52, dated 3rd
December 1982, of the United Nations General Assembly
had adopted “World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons”. In the resolution the period of 1983-1992 was
declared as the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. In this period member states was encouraged to implement the world
Program of Action. One of the goals of the program is to help the disabled persons to have independent and productive life,
equality in social life, and fully participate in the mainstream society. The disabled persons are also encouraged to participate
in drafting policies and services affecting them. The governments in other hand are urged to allow the disabled persons to
be represented in drafting policies affecting the disabled persons. Based on the above resolution the United Nations Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) undertook a project which is called
“Assistance to the Development of self help organization of the disabled persons”. Self help organization of disabled
person is an activity under this project.
The self help organization
is defined as an organization forms by a group of highly motivated group of disabled persons to improve themselves and situation
around them. The members of the self help fully participate and actively involve in the mainstream society. They do not seclude
or segregate themselves from the society in every in their daily life.
With the inspiration of the United Nations, we have established a self help group for Women with Physical Disability
in Malaysia, which is called as WanitaKU (Wanita Kurang
Upaya). It is a Malay words with the meaning of Women with Physical Disability.
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